How To Find A Reputable CBD Gum Retailer
With CBD oil and gum being a rarely new and novel product, many individuals don’t know where it is best to purchase it from, with plenty of new and unfamiliar names, products and stockists on the market. However, as with any medical product you consume, it is important to find the safest and most trusted products available and avoid fraudulent and potentially dangerous alternatives. In a bid to help you find a reputable CBD gum retailer, we have compiled four top tips to sourcing safe and legal CBD gum.
1. Research The Brands They Stock
One of the most obvious ways to find a reputable CBD oil or gum seller is by looking at the products they stock. For example, some CBD brands are better known than others, thus making them a more trustworthy product choice. The more of these recognised and established brands being sold by a CBD retailer, the better, since this is an indication of authentic stock, safe products and health standards being met. Although they may be cheaper sometimes, when you purchase an unknown brand from a stockist, you may not know what you are going to get, so we recommend opting for the most trusted brand, or one with promising feedback.
2. Look At Reviews
Fraudulent companies or unsafe, unsatisfactory products can be quickly noticed using a quick look at an impartial review site, such as Google reviews. This is often the quickest and most reliable way to determine whether or not a retailer is trustworthy and how good quality the products are. Although most sites will have testimonials, looking at the reviews on unbiased sites is always a better reflection of the company.
3. Opt For More Local Companies
Another good idea is to opt for localised companies to purchase from, opposed to those in other jurisdictions. The main reason for this is that products sold within the UK are all regulated in the same fashion, and are expected to meet the same standards, meanwhile CBD gum or oil from other nations may meet separate, distinct standards, potentially making them illegal in the UK.
There are also an array of other benefits to opting for local companies, such as the likelihood of better customer service, affordable postage and ability to rely on UK regulators if something with the product is wrong.
4. Ensure They Are Compliant
One of the most important steps to take in finding a safe and legal CBD gum retailer is by ensuring that they are fully compliant with the laws within the UK. In particular, you need to be conscious of the following rules when seeking a CBD oil or gum retailer:
- All CBD producers based in the UK must have received a license and permission from the home office to cultivate and sell hemp.
- Any sellers of CBD oil need to be either a licensed medical distributor or be selling the product as a form of nutritional supplement in order to be safe.
- The labelling used on CBD products must be in compliance with The Food Supplements Regulations 2003.
Evidence of all of these things can be requested from a CBD retailer prior to purchasing their product. If they are reluctant or cannot provide this, then you should take that as a warning sign that they are not a reputable seller, and that their products may not be legal and safe.